Is Your Children's Digital Life Hindering Their Communication Skills?

A real-life communication

Do you allow your kids to devote hours of their waking time to online activities? As a responsible parent, you should keep a watchful eye on your kids' online activities. While you may think that your children are getting some necessary online skills, in reality they might be wasting they time playing computer games. This time could have been spent learning skills in other areas of life. Here are a few warnings how your children's digital life may be impeding their communication skills.

Computer is their prime source of entertainment

If a child's most desired amusement is playing on a computer, this is a red flag. Engage your kid in a variety of different activities including reading good books and getting together with offline friends. Such activities will boost your kid's written and verbal communication skills.

They talk in computer lingo

While talking with your kids, are you having a hard time understanding what they are trying to tell you? Most kids, who spend too much time online, end up speaking a distinct lingo. Specifically, they talk the way they chat, using acronyms and abbreviations instead of regular words. Explain to your child that while this type of language has the right to exist in some digital areas, it's essential to be capable of speaking a proper human language in most other cases.

They disregard family and friends

If you are struggling to bring your kid to the family dinner table, or if (s)he refuses to spend time with friends in favor of playing an online game, this is another red flag. While a personal computer is great for some forms of socializing, it will never substitute real human communication. Spending excessive amount of time online, especially at an early age, may prevent a child from developing crucial interpersonal skills such as proper body language, eye contact, and the ability to engage in a conversation.

If you are concerned that your children's digital time may be annihilating their communication skills, there are steps you should better take to reverse the decline. Of course, limiting the number of hours your kid can spend on PC on any given day is a viable solution. But how do you keep an eye on your kid 24/7? Before you start to panic, consider downloading a free monitoring app for parents such as Teentor. You will get access to detailed reports about your child's computer routine, to stay informed even when you are away from home. Take the first step on the road to boosting your kid's ability to communicate by visiting our website today.

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